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about us

Hamer Technology is an accredited supplier to the Disabled Student Allowance, following guidelines set out by the Service Level Agreement.home


If you have been awarded a DSA grant, our student page contains useful information in relation to ordering equipment, training, aftercare and more. info for students

technical support

Our trained and highly experienced Technical Support Team will be happy to help you with any questions or concerns regarding your DSA equipment.technical support

need to contact us

If you have a query you cannot find the answer to on our website, please follow the link below to see the ways in which you can contact us

Complaints and Concerns

We do not look upon complaints or concerns as unwanted. In fact, they help us to see where our services might be improved.

So please let us know when you feel we have made a mistake or done something which you have found unsatisfactory or unacceptable.




How to complain

1) Contact us

The first step is to talk to a member of Hamer Technology staff. This can be done quite informally, either directly or by telephone. Usually the best member of staff to talk to will be the person who dealt with the matter you are concerned about, as they will be in the best position to help you quickly and to put things right. If they are not available, or you would prefer to approach someone else, then ask for their relevant line manager.

We will try to resolve the problem on the spot if we can. If this is not possible, we will take a record of your concern and arrange the best way and time for getting back to you. This will normally be within five working days. Our contact details are:


01785 212 231

Or write to us at
Hamer Technology
6 Hargreaves Court
Dyson Way
Staffordshire Technology Park
ST18 0WN

2) Taking your complaint further We hope you will only feel the need to make a formal complaint as a last resort and that you will firstly try to resolve the issue with the member of staff concerned. However, if you are still unhappy, the next step is to put your complaint in writing to either Mr. S Evans or Mr. S Hamer. Please set out the details of your concern, explaining what you think went wrong and what you feel would put things right.

If you are not happy about writing a letter, you can always ask a member of staff to take notes of your complaint. You should make sure you agree with what they have recorded and that they provide you with your own copy for reference. This record will be passed promptly to Mr S Evans or Mr S Hamer for actioning

3) If you are still not satisfied? If you are still not happy with our response you can seek advice from outside Hamer Technology. You can contact your Disability Advisor, Assessor or Assessment Centre and ask them to look into your complaint. If that fails to resolve the problem then the matter will be referred to your funding body, who in consulation with us, your Disability Advisor and Assessor, will make the final decision.

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